Thursday, February 12, 2009

An Update..

Hi again,
First I want to apologize! I think two weeks have passed since I´ve written in blog (or talked to my parents- sorry mom and dad! I´ll call you soon, I promise!) SOOOO many things have been happening. On the 3rd the three other members of the group showed up. Only one family here in Guayaquil knew that Anna Cousineau was coming, and it was a surprise for everyone else. When Pastor Dario saw her he jumped from his seat and huged her so hard he lifted her off the ground. While the group was here we talked about the foundation with Pastor Dario, and with my friends Rosa and Victor. We visited some of the families that we would like to see be part of the foundation. One afternoon we contacted a lawyer to sit and talk about legal issues with the foundation. However, he said he didn´t know too much about legal work with foundations, but would contact some friends and get us the information. When we asked how much it would cost for this he said $100. Unfortunately we had to decline that offer... And in turn, the next day I found out I could get all of the information myself at the Oficina de Bienestar or something like that. I went there with Victor and copied all of the requirements that we need to start. However, it´s a little more complicated...
I have to be honest, this trip has been a little discouraging... Not so much for the foundation work, but for the church. There seems to be a lot of disunity within the church, including tons gossip and talking negatively about one another. It only proves our imperfections and humanness. I would really appreciate prayer for this church. I really want to work with the church on this project, but some things need to be worked through and cleared up before that can being. I hope you´ll pray me to have wisdom and discernment as we work through these issues. The next decision that really needs to be made is whether we are going to have the program within the church, or if we need to rent a place and have it outside of the church...

An update on the other things that have been going on. I forgot the mention the first week that one of the girls here graduated from school (to start going to high school). I had the privilege of giving her her certificate as her ¨madrina¨. Last saturday she turned 15 years old and had a Quinciñera- sort of like a sweet 16 in the US. They threw a big party for her which started at midnight and went through the night. Because of safety issues we were only able stay until 1:30ish, but I´m glad we were able to be there for her. That´s all I´ll say for now.. I may be able to write more about it another time.

Yesterday I went to the beach with Bre, Isaac, Michelle, Ronny, and Alex. We took the bus, swam in the pacific, ate fish for lunch, sang a bit with the guitar. It was a fun day! Interestingly... I put sunscreen on when I got dressed in the morning. It was a cloudy, cold, rainy day. And Bre and I still burned pretty bad. haha.. We were super red faced the other day, but strangely it doesn´t burn. We had been complaining that we went to the beach and didn´t even tan...ha!

Tomorrow is Rosa´s birthday. I´m going to make pizza for dinner and we´ll probably have cake. Saturday the church has a special youth service. And I think I may be dressing up nice and going out on Sunday with Alex, although those plans aren´t totally confirmed yet... =) This morning Bre and I made apple pancakes for the fam. They liked them a lot! The house we´re staying in is a pretty humble place... but I feel right at home!

I have so many things I could write... if I only had more time! Hopefully the time won´t pass as quickly before I get my next update up. Please remember to pray for unity and healing within the church. Until next time...

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